Well, I've just learned two new things... that a game called APB, an online RPG no less launched a couple of weeks ago... and that said game has basically killed its parent company...

Check out the furor from the BBC report....
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-11003456Two things strike me about this report, first of all, I don't consider myself to be out of the gaming loop, infact, on the face of things I'm pretty well wired in; I'm on the net all day, and most all the night, I read magazines, I read blogs and news feeds... and I'd never heard of "APB"..
Secondly, APB was one of the first games I've heard of which, in the US at least, was trying to peddle itself to the masses with a Pay Per Hour played, or subscription, model. I'm not sure how such a model would appeal, we all like pay-as-you go mobile credit, I'd love to see pay-as-you go from Blizzard. But, a new title... with so many more orthodox free to play MMO's out there... could APB have succeded?
I don't think so, it looks like an online version of GTA, indeed the game was produced and concepted by the chap behind the original GTA and Lemmings... I don't think with that pedigree, and without my having played it, I can cast aspertions at the game play for this titles failure.
However, I can only say it's the fault of their Public Relations officer, I've never heard of it... Have you? I mean, the US Publisher for the game is EA... I'm even an avid follower of
Jeff Green, the online content editor at EA (and ex of the Brodeo), and he'd never even pointed me a sniff in the direction of this
Anyway, if any of you want to throw good money after bad (in the US at least, you can get APB form the
EA Store.