IF YOU HAVE JUST ARRIVED HERE, PLEASE SEE: http://megalomaniacbore.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/virtual-cpu-in-c-4001-cpu.html
//-------------- Memory.h ----------------------------
#ifndef CPU_MEMORY
#define CPU_MEMORY
namespace CPU_4001
// Because C++ does not work directly in byte sized memory as numbers
// we'll use the byte sized character type as our byte of memory.
typedef unsigned char byte;
class Memory
/// A constant we're going to define which
/// tells us the maximum address we can
/// read or write from.
const byte c_MaxAddress;
/// This is the memory space we're going to
/// be using.
byte* m_MemorySpace;
/// Construct a Memory class instance
/// for us, and clear the memory
/// Delete the memory class, releasing
/// all the allocated memory space
/// Function to clear the memory values all to zero
void Clear();
/// Function to read the given address value
const byte& Read (const byte& p_Address);
/// Function to write the value to the given address
void Write (const byte& p_Address, const byte& p_Value);
hey, this is what i was looking for, u guess 4001 is the emulator of the intel 4004 processor? I search the direct hadrware access via c++ any suggestions?