Saturday, 28 August 2010

Console Players Versus...

I just wrote a very long post, and I then decided to select it all and start over... so here's my more rational entry about this story.

Reading that, I hear my rational, law abiding higher brain saying... "This is a good thing, it's going to stop nefarious use of software on the PS3, it's going to keep evil nasty pirates out of business".

But then deep inside, in my primal inner mind I hear an echo of "M*t*er F*c*ers" I just feel that it's terrible, no matter what the EULA's say, that it's legal for someone to sell you an item of equipment just to then tell you how to use it....

This really doesn't seem to happen in other genre's of business...

I mean people cook up & cut drugs with common kitchen cutlery, pans & such... but you don't get an EULA from Pyrex about not cooking up crack on the items they sell... (I know that's a terrible analogy, but it is the same sort of thing).

This whole thing with Sony is really bully-boy too, I mean argh... I can't vocalise what bugs me about this...

Gah, more later.

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