Saturday, 9 August 2014

Phantom in the Garage

We call it the garage, though no car can get into it, its really a large out building to the rear of our property, we've recently cleared and organised it and the guinea pig has a hutch and run in there... And its to the guinea pig I'm going to talk.

He had a rough start, he was a baby when we got him from a rescue centre with another little chap, the other one being a proper psycho attacked the pig and attacked me, so he went back under duress... But we kept this one now and he's a nice little chap.

The other night we'd left him in his run with a few spare leafs from a cabbage, and he was enjoying them, it was warm so I left the garage door open to cool down.  About an hour later dark had fallen and I went out to him, and the poor little chap was chirping away for me in signal distress...

Firing up the lights I saw him in his run, and I saw something else... A Rat...

To his due the guinea pig looked like he's kicked this rat senseless, it had fresh torn ears and the guinea pig was backed into a tube like armour and baring his teeth to it... The moment the lights came on it tried to make it's escape... it rolled a ninja style forward roll through the hole in the wire it'd cut and it scampered past me, once between me and the door it decided to make its stand.

Now I don't know if this rat was smart and had met people before and had them freak out, but it got what I think was the shock of its life as it stood on its hind legs and started to hiss at me, and I wellied it with the plastic basket we use to collect grass trimmings from the mower...

This thing must have been a good 5 inch long in the body, with a tail of at least 7 inches all fat and scaley the tail... And it writhed around drunk after I whacked it.  It was inside this basket and hissing and spitting... and I want to either knock it out to capture it, or kill it... But it rolls upright and comes at me again...

I'm serious, this thing did not run out the open doors into the dark, it actively came towards my bare feet... Now, so I squared around, picked up the broom and smacked the think back again, it tolled head over arse three times and whacked into the right hand closed door at the far end of the building...

It got up and came at me again... This is the third time... I'm ready though, I've swapped the broom for a set of shears, with a hook end on them, it looks rather like a hockey stick... as it comes in I let fly and the sickening sound of its skull on the metal end sends it spiralling back and this time out the door...

It runs around in a huge circle, bounces off a set of flower pots we've got and legs it down the gap behind the garage and next doors property...

I have never had a rat take me on like that... I've met them before, previously when I lived at a different address in the same area they came to feast on the neighbours fishing bait, and I put traps down evicting them... But they were always scared of me, this thing was not scared... I think it was trying to claim the territory...

Needless to say, there's now a series of traps down...

Guinea pig was fine, he had a cuddle later and was chirping and purring at me, like he does... He has a new larger cage come run on the way as well today, because there's a hole chewed in the other and it was taking up too much room.

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