I'm sat with my IDE open, and multiple World of Warcraft clients setting up my macro's for healing. I have the two alpha testers for today on skype, and I have over 150 views on each of my Multiboxer posts on this very blog...
What I don't have is any supporting sponsors :(
I think this may change when I release the beta (time & function limited build) software with some World of Warcraft and Neverwinter and Runes of Magic profiles, so people actually can get their mits on the software and see it is real, and it does need help developing.
But what I also have with me is a pair of e-mails, you see I sent this project off to see if an old contact (who works in games) wanted to support the software, his response is a no... This wasn't a surprise, I'm pretty sure I pissed the guy off, and they only work in game publication, not actually in game tools or play support tool production.
Happily though the chap didn't tell me to go forth and multiply, what he did do however was send the message onto a chap called "Andrew". Now I have no idea who Andrew is, but he's maybe been to these very pages to have a look, so hello Andrew... but his reply is rather odd... Let me paste it here...
"its probably good for subscription games (ie. encourages more subs) like WoW, but I don't see a benefit for F2P."
And this is where so many people working in the game business don't connect with their audience, he doesn't see the point really, that's what this says... he doesn't see why you'd want to play a half dozen characters at the same time, and he doesn't see the reason you'd want to do this in a Free to Play game...
Hmm, lets digest why I want to play multiple accounts at the same time... Its more of a challenge, and I can access loot from PVE content without sharing with others, I can explore and enjoy PVE content without the need for friends online, a guild, or Pick up Groups (vomits)... In PVP I get a huge, and legitimate, play advantage over others (how many multiboxers do we know who got Grand Marshal in WOW?)...
That is a lot of the reason I used to play WOW with my guild, but without my guild a multiboxer is the only way to go... It has only one down fall for me personally, the cost...
So to mitigate the code... Free to Play...
Would I like all those advantages of playing content and comptetitive play in a Free to play game?... YES! Of course I would, in fact with F2P titles there can be a slightly more obvious advantage to having your own group and that is many free to play games have fragmented audiences, they don't have the player numbers or the popularity of WOW driving them, so populations can be sparse. Starting out in Runes of Magic - which I've done multiple times - can be quite lonely.
With my own team I'm not lonely.
This leaves me wondering who this Andrew is, and whether he's been to see the amount of YouTube videos of other Multiboxers using other software, and the high costs of those software suits compared to what I'm trying to produce?
P.S. Before anyone gets off of their high horse exclaiming "Who does this Xelous think he is?"... I work for a multi-billion euro international gaming company... I'm a software engineer for them, working on graphical front ends and gaming interfaces... I spend a LOT of time talking to a LOT of different companies and developers... So I know what I'm doing in a gaming company sense... This project, just like for my contact above, is not in my employers genre of interest. But it is in my genre of personal interest.
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