A blog about my rantings, including Games, Game Development, Gaming, Consoles, PC Gaming, Role Playing Games, People, Gaming tips & cheats, Game Programming and a plethora of other stuff.
Saturday, 13 July 2024
What is it with the AMD Adrenaline Software?
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Code Locality & Concurrent Systems
Let us talk Software Design, let us talk about code locality. What do I mean by locality? Well, in Software Engineering we often talk about code being self documenting, a fabulous place to be if the code performing the work is right in front of you. But to be honest systems get pretty big pretty quickly. So you're very much more likely to me making calls to API's or just bunched of functions you have to blindly trust, unless you have the leisure of digging into them.
And there's usually precious little time in development which is invariably taken up with writing new code, not going over the old (unless you're very lucky - but that's a conversation for another day).
Now, these API's can encapsulate large features, and they don't always achieve the amount of descriptive power we'd like in the call site location we're at. I therefore advocate for a comment around that point.
And so we are immediately at odds with the wish for our code to be as accessible, local, as it can be, but also encapsulating the large unrelated tasks elsewhere. For me this is the dichotomy of code locality in a nut shell.
Where can it come unstuck? Well, back in the day (and I have to be honest with most engineers still thinking linearly even today) you could be forgiven to writing out your big system block diagram, connecting things with events or signals and just going about your business, when your code called "BigFooFunction" in "BarBarBlackBox" library you didn't pay it much mind. Today however, as Moore's Law runs aground on the rocks of pumping ever more cores into a system we have to think in concurrent terms and it is in just such a scenario that I want to pick up thinking about Systems Design and Code Locality.
Let us perform a thought experiment. We have a system which progresses from Eggs to Birds, it controls the state of the entity laid as an egg, being incubated, then hatched, fed and tended until they start to fledge and ultimately turn into a bird. All this transmogrification of the state from Egg to hatchling to fledgling to bird happens asynchronously in the background in a big slap of system you do not have to worry about.
All you worry about is a signal coming into you saying "predator", and when this signal arrives you need to stimulate all the little birds you have into action, they all need to take flight.
for(auto& bird : flock)
This is the locality of our change to the property flight on each bird, we are absolutely unaware of each individual possible state the bird can be in and so we rely on the API and code backing our call to "TakeFlight".
Now, let us assume the members of "flock" are all of the base type "Bird", so they all have a TakeFlight function? Well, they might, if Bird looked something like this:
class Bird
virtual void TakeFlight() = 0;
Then at compile time all the derived classes would have to implement "TakeFlight".
class Egg : public Bird
uint64_t mTimeLaid;
float mTemperature;
void Incubate();
void TakeFlight() override;
And because we know this is an Egg we know it can't fly and so we know that this override of the function will do nothing.
This is perfect code-locality for that derived type, but for bird itself it leaves us the open question, well what does it do? Does it do anything?? Should "TakeFlight" return us some code to indicate the bird took flight and an error if not, but an egg not flying is not an error, so must it be some compound it returns.
Now, I am straying into API design somewhat, and they are related fields, but really here we're thinking about where the active code sits, what is its locality compared to our callsite in the loop?
And for a function, you can see we can define this and know.
Now lets us change our example:
class Bird
bool mInFlight { false };
class Egg : public Bird
// As above
void TakeFlight () override {
// Intentionally Empty
Our egg can not fly, or can it? for now with a public member we're flying somewhat in the wind of a contrived example, but anything can now set the value of mInFlight, our for-loop upon the predator signal can now achieve its aim:
for(auto& bird : flock)
bird.mInFlight = true;
And this is correct, this loop in review would pass, who can argue? The bird took flight, it did, it is true. And this is code locality in action, for at the location we needed it the functionality was available to mutate the value and achieve our goals, no matter what the state of the rest of the system was.
This is a very dangerous place to be.
Especially with an asynchronous system, lets say this is not a trivial call, lets say that the call site is to loop through a series of resources and start them loading, and upon that call each is pending load, but not yet loaded?
for(auto& item : objects)
We can assume this code is starting the load, but now lets package this into some context, we like to have our code be self-documenting after all.
class Loader
bool mEverythingReady { false };
std::vector<Objects> mObjects;
void Load()
for(auto& item : mObjects)
mEverythingReady = true;
Can you already spot the problem? The local code here is communicating that EVERYTHING READY, when it is anything but that, you have simply started some other action elsewhere, you have not checked the state, you have not deferred until ready, you have started load and that is all you know, but you code here locally is communicating something subtly different.
And in huge systems you must not fall foul of this kind of behaviour, you need your code locally to communicate what it intends, to do as it intends and if you spot silly public interfaces like this do not be affraid to fix them, the bravery to address an issue, if only to raise it to the owner, is a step in the right direction with massive software systems.
Monday, 1 July 2024
Operational Embarassment
Today I bring you a story, a true story, from my very own past. You may have seen the "broken feet" link on this very page, so yeah I broke both my ankles at the same time falling off a roof.
Fast forward just under two years and I need an operation as the joint are going bad.
On the day of the operation I am handed a lovely double hospital gown and the lady checks who, what and why I am there... The surgeon see's me and puts a big big black arrow on my right leg and I am shown into the pre-op waiting room to just wait.
I am the first case, but they want to pre-op everyone, and slowly the waiting room fills with men in the same garb.
No-one speaks.... No-one.
This is quite strange with us blokes, and to be honest I find it a little freaky, as I'm sat there with my big black felt arrow on my ankle I just joke... "Bet we can guess what I'm having done".
ALL OF THEM, and there's like six guys now, all stony faced. They don't look at me, they don't look at one another.... Nothing, nada, zip.
What the heck?
So I'm up first, off I go, limping out and am taken to theatre.
I am a quirky case, as not only am I first, but I am to be awake during the procedure, I get an epidural and then a tourniquet is applied and I get to watch them work on my ankle in this freezing cold room.
An hour or so later I'm in resus, first in, first out... I am surrounded by empty bays. Slowly as the morning wears on and my leg starts to awaken in cramping pins and needles the first of the other guys is brought through... No idea what procedure he's had.
Then another.
Then another.
Until all six bays around me are full and I'm not allowed a drink, some toast and encouraged to rub some life into my leg.
I am very clearly the only patient in this state, the others are all coming around from general anesthetics.
My surgeon pops to see me, he's very happy, I'm very happy and sure enough in the next hour I get up and for the first time since the original accident I'm not in pain in my ankle!
These other guys then start to awaken, and they don't want the nurses helping them, the female nurses, they're all deadly coy and a bit embarrassed, as I'm up and about moving my leg and getting it wrapped and a cast applied.
This voice comes across the ward.
"Sorry for ignoring you earlier, you were just breaking the ice"
And we have a chat..... And then he drops me into the most embarrassment ever....
For you see... he... and seemingly all the other men in the ward... have all had dick operations.
Yes, that's right... In a room full of men about to have their john-thomas tucked or worse I made a joke about "Guess what I'm having done".
I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me.
Everyone then promptly burst into laughter at the look on my face.
A couple were having later life circumcisions due to tight foreskins, one was having a lump removed, one was just have it biopsied or something... but all dick ops...
That's why they were silent and jealous of me with my big black felt marker arrow marking me out as the luckiest bastard in that room with the least to worry about.
I think about this today, my big black felt arrow, never have I been more relieved after hearing their procedure stories. Though they went a little pale when I said "Oh I was awake during the op and watched".