Friday 18 July 2014

Dog Poop Pinching

I just ran across this...

But, this was no prank, this happened to me last night... The wife and I were out with all four dogs, the three little (young ones) and the wife, whilst I walked quietly with our 12 year old Labrador... So Dude and I are just down a grass bank, and we're going to come back that way, so when Dude does his thing I bag it and leave it against the side of this slope, so I can head back up and out once with him...

We walk along a little way, not far, and as we stop to turn around and meet the wife with the other three dogs this old fellow passes by me and he's got my poop in his hand.

At first I thought, he's going to tell me I left it, and I'm going to have to show him the five other bags from the other dogs and point out how old Dude is and that he comes out once and back so as not to knacker his joints...


But the guy just goes straight past me and the wife, without saying a word... Not a word, not a "I'm just taking it to the bin, no sweat"... not a "I think you left this"... Nothing, he just drilled right on by us... Like he's won a prize or something.

Bit weird.

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