Monday 6 August 2012

Google Listen

I was an avid podcast listener, especially when I first got an iPod, however over time I have found working (code) whilst listening to material I am unfamiliar with rather distracting and stopped the habit, sticking to music I know which let me concentrate better.

Anyhow, recently I've taken to more testing than coding, which means I need to entertain myself whilst waiting on minutes and minutes long system builds, this necessitates the iPod coming back, and I need to get some stuff on there...

Now I searched for decent podcast finding software, and really came up with naught, there's a few like "Podcast Finder" and of course the channels on community sites, not to mention iTunes.  But none of them do the biz for me.

So I googled "podcast finders" and you know what never in that list of results did I see the now to be axed "Google Listen" service.  It seems they set up that software and service just to find and track podcasts, sounds remarkably like what I've been trying to do, but they're about to axe the service?... Why?....

Seems google feel no-one would notice its gone... No Google, no-one is going to notice if when you google for exactly what your service does one can't find the gods damn service!  This is so ludicrous as to beggar belief....

Even now I know the service exists, if I google "Google Listen", I don't find anything about the actual service, just the news reports explaining its demise... Google, really, if you want to know why people aren't using your whatever service, just google for it yourself and don't use any keyword jargon you know targets it, think like an every man in the street, think like me, ask me to google something for you even, because clearly you've missed this elephant in the room and gotten the wrong end of its trunk.

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