
Sunday, 21 June 2015

Hotter Shoes

This is an unusual topic for me to cover, we're talking about Hotter brand shoes, for those of you not aware Hotters are a brand of shoes which are loved and raved about by ladies of a certain age, they make their husbands wear them and generally they buy dozens of pairs.

However, Hotter are getting a bit too big for their boots, no pun intended there, years ago they were a catalogue only brand, and returning things to them was a breeze and they did everything they could to help.

Unfortunately that level of customer service  has fallen away, firstly my wife had nothing but trouble with them, shoes rubbing, not being right and even their special wide fitting not working, we ended up in shop after shop and then just gave up.

My mother-in-law however has persisted, and recently bought three pairs... not one, and not cheap... three pairs... One of which had a distinctive bow motif on it.

One of the bows however, after one wear, just looked terrible, it looked mottled and out of shape, so she got hold of the customer services and said she was happy with the wear in of the shoe, but would like to order a new box.. Not just get, not just freely receive, she liked these shoes and the brand so much she was willing to fix the shoe herself.

Their response... "No"... and later... "They [the bows] only come in pairs" and they asked some extortionate price for this bow.

The mother-in-law is utterly and totally dejected by this, she's asked me to come here to my blog and air her frustrations and to basically say, the Hotter brand is fast falling out of her, and I guess all her circle's favour.

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