
Monday, 15 June 2015

Gaming General Update

So what have I been up to this weekend?... Well, on Saturday I spent the day at the Bloomfield campus of Derby College.... A lovely place, but sadly lacking in sign age so myself and the little one I had taken with me god soaked..

Little one?... little one?... But you don't have kids Xel!...

That's right, I don't, instead I took the dog, I took Sid actually and we went on a poodle clipping course... And since then have spent nearly £75 on equipment to start to clip the dogs myself, this is a stop gap measure between trims by our actual dog trimmer, but comes off of the back of having to try to fit dogs needing clips in to gaps in our schedule, our current clipper (an artisan expert) just hasn't the flexible schedule for us to chop and change... So I'm going to learn and fit interim trims in.  Don't worry, she knows all about this, she sold me the powered clipper unit we're going to use :)

In gaming news, I spent £9.99 on the Steam summer sale for the Wargame Air & Land series, including all the DLC packs.  I'd been looking at that game for a while after watching VulcanHDGaming playing it:

So I'm going to be playing that tonight.

I'm also playing H1Z1 Battle Royale with the wife... She's obsessed with that game, still only got second place as our best result... but she loves getting single blast shotgun kills, and yells and screams, and describes it as "arse itching time", when the tension is high.

I've also been enjoying dropping bombs on people in combined arms realistic tank battles in WarThunder.... My current favourite mode to play.

In the vanilla Wow Stuff I'm now level 40 on one of the characters, so ready to purchase the old first mount, when the wife picks a colour I think...

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