
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The Day of Your Death

I've been quietly contemplating life, or rather the lack of it, since the last episode of DrWho, which until they explain a few things is treading a fine line of insulting a fair few people with it's "Connected to the Burning body" line; regarding Cremation & the soul...

And a thought, probably a common thought, struck me...

Once you've passed your first Birthday, you've lived through the date on which you'll die... Technically we could say your Fourth Birthday, to ensure you've lived through a 29th February also (and yes I have a cousin born on that date!)

What a singularly depressing thought, we spend so much time thinking about our date of birth, but never really consider our date of death.  Perhaps some do, but of natural or unexpected causes, what a mystery we all lead...

It could be today...

I often post blogs a head of time, so there maybe items in my queue which will go out post-mortem, I may be a posthumous poster... 

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