
Friday, 21 November 2014

Broken Feet

The house move went a head as planned, this was despite three major problems.  The first problem being we were both exhausted... The second being that we'd roped a friend into help, as none of our family even offered to help... And the third was that I broke both my feet....

Yes, I broke the pair... Luckily I didn't realize this, and kept on working, moving stuff, albeit very very slowly... But Sunday at 12:45 the key broke in the front door of the house we are vacating, so the mate helping piled a load of stuff up and said "You hop over that and open the back door"...

So, hop I did... I climbed up onto this 13 foot fence, perched my feet on the lip and jumped off... As the white sparkles cleared from my eyes, I knew I'd broke something... I figured I'd broke my ankles... But I staggered upright before letting this sink in, and I tried to open the door... No dice it was locked and bolted...

An hour later we were in the house, done and complete, the broken lock sorted and heading to the new house, I didn't feel right though, and got into the house by sheer necessity... But of course I chose to jump off the fence and so I was summarily picked on... I think I snarled at my father-in-law at one point, because he finally showed his face to help - but did manage to take the mate helping off for a detour to see his new boat - wasting precious daylight.

Anyway, finally got ice packs on the legs, had ibuprofen, went to bed... Come morning they were purple, and about four times their normal size, but being the conservative I am I only went to my GP... she had a good poke and prod, concluded I'd not broke my Achilles, probably just ligament damage, but she referred me to the fracture clinic.

I went home and carried on moving stuff, expecting a call... That call came Wednesday, to I had an appointment for Thursday morning... 6am I got up to get there on time, and I did... by about 11am I was in negotiations as to what kind of casts I was to have!

Yes, they're broke, and I walked and moved house with broken feet... For four days!... Even the consultant was impressed.

However, the junior doctor did balls up, without asking me he started to dictate my notes and said I smoked and drank!  Neither of which I do... which... which was a bit annoying being pigeon holed like that... I dunno, maybe it'd my beard makes me look like a pipe puffing beer swiller?...

Oh, and to rub insult into the hassle of the week, I finally got to sit down to play games.. and the PC is shagged, the main hard drive is banjaxed.

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