
Monday, 7 August 2023

Amber Valley Planning aren't very good

I think I've come to the conclusion Amber Valley Planning Department are either incompetents' or simply idiots.  Having had to interact with them myself and now in relation to a nearby development, they've demonstrated incompetance which can't easily be explained... Let me explain.

You see a development was proposed, ironically the owners only sought planning permission after the fact, fine whatever get on with it...

So the ground-works and building are complete?... Yes.

The official visited the site?... Yes, there was a woman with a clipboard.

Does the block plan represent the reality on the ground?... No, not even close.

Any school child with a ruler and pencil would be able to very quickly look at two reference points on the ground, extrapolate two lines then compare them to the building work which took place.  They don't match, not even close.

Further more the building work significantly changed the levels of the area in question.  This is not mentioned on the planning permission request at all.

And the newly raised area is several hundred tonnes being held back by concrete posts... No no structural engineering posts, we're talking 4 inch garden posts, with postcrete and concrete weather board.

In the July & August ran we've had they're already bowing ominously.

And I find these two points extremely curious, for you see we were the ire of this department having skimmed 2 inches of soil and spread road stone we had to account for a "Change of level"... yet someone else can dump several hundred weight and build up a new embankment to around 6 feel of altitude?

We presented drawing plans from overhead shots, real shots from Google Earth, showing the true scale and location; it being a photograph after all.  We had to go back and be exacting, that was the order "be exacting" in the block out diagram shown.... Yet someone else can be approximately six feet off level of reality in two axis?

When this goes over, and it is likely to, could it be a danger to life?  Yep.  Will the planning department comment?  Will they heck as like, they just tick their box and waltz off, it is almost criminal in this case.

Either the planning are incompetents', and I strongly suggest they explain their decision; oh but wait, one can not challenge them, only the applicant can appeal?!?
I must therefore air on the side of caution and suggest they're merely idiots, bureaucratic machination maniacs of the paid civil servant ilk just there to tick the boxes and dot the lowercase J's, since the service... Clearly the service is broken.

Want to know the major comment about the works carried out?  That they must ensure the hedge remain for at least 5 years.  This is a hedge in which (at least further up) I found bottles tangled in the roots with a date of 1914 on them, so this is already very much an older hedge... so a) 5 years makes no sense, b) you ignored they changed the level, c) the works do not match the plans provided - and I told you of this! and finally d) they're already subsiding, dangerously so!

Incompetence demonstrated, well done Amber Valley Planning Department, well done.

I am extremely glad my hard earned council tax money no-longer goes to them, indeed I've spoken to my local duty planner, they were highly available very interested in my requirements and helped me out immensely; Amber Valley, not so much.

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