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Sunday, 19 February 2023
Home Game Engine : Physics Debugging Tool Progress
The last week has been invested into the Physics Debugging tool, it connects to the main game world; whether that is running in the client with it's own vulkan renderer, or into the server, for I am planning to have the server be authorative over player position at least, to prevent some of the strange hackery doo of the client being in charge.
Here's a silent video of that progress, as I'm recording from my Ryzen Workstation and I don't have a mic in here.
There is actually a lot going on in the background here, though the scene looks largely unchanged.
The most obvious addition since the last scene update is the replication of the rotating object, which is just a box, but that is being rotated on the client. My controls here send a message to the client, which then sends the status update to it's GameObject. The same frame the GameObject queues a message out and the scene updates to the physics representation; which means I get near real time (minimum of network delay + 1 frame) of the replication of an object back and forth.
However, I don't plan on expanding that too much, the number of messages is getting silly. For example, I have an object for a position update (3 floats) then I have one for a position and a rotation (6 floats) and then a whole other one for position, rotation and scale (9 floats) which I call a transform. I could just replicate a transform each frame, but then the amount of data gets very much larger.
I also have flash backs of delivering data from a server on a provisioned box, where you pay by the megabyte per monthly usage (and I honestly don't know why I couldn't host a service like this server publically on my massive 500mbit home fiber, which has no cap on data, it's all I can eat) but practically, I'd not like to host this here, except for debug, and if I were to make a game, it'd need to be on an AWS instance or something.
Anyway, that's all very much future stuff, my next problems are all about the game, improving and cleaning up my game object authoring, improving my model making skills (I might actually have to double down and actually learn Blender) and the working out a few issues I know exist in my control scheme.
More about all that in March though, for the rest of February, I have to tidy this stuff up.
If you want to know more, or follow some of my other older projects and videos, my YouTube Channel exists https://www.youtube.com/@LordXelous and of course this blog is always ticking over!
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