
Monday, 29 August 2022

Home Engine - Bank Holiday Camera Controls & More Models

After the silence earlier in the year I'm so happy to be blogging more often, and I hope you are all enjoying it too; I can see some regulars popping by and a few new faces in the stats list; but still far too many of you are totally anonymous, drop me a comment!

Anyway, what I have I been up to?

Well, under the hood I've totally revamped how the uniform buffer objects are passed to the rendering operation in the vertex shader.  I've also moved the view and projection matrix calculations into a nice camera system class, so they're contained and sensible to use.

As a result I've then added some key bindings to move forward, strafe and rise/drop the camera on the plane of x-z.  Likewise I've added a free mouse mode to let me move the mouse and fly over the terrain.

Speaking of terrain I've added a checker board to show me the X-Z plane at about -0.5 Y.

I also noticed a winding order in my Blender exporter tool, I've not fixed that in the python, just patched it in my loader and created a few more models to start building out a play space.

Technology wise I need to make the camera more usable - a full third person camera basically.  Then I would like an orbit cam, which moving in the strafe would move it around the locked object.

Then I'm going to think about texturing and lighting.

The solid coloured aesthetic is intentional though, so anything more fancy is a low priority for me.

I am feeling much more comfortable in Vulkan though; and of course enjoyed moving all the glm implementation from the first (and second passes) over this project.

That's perhaps something I've not mentioned to you before, this project as a home engine... Well I've started and restarted it a few times.  The original was in DirectX9 way back; I wrote a page about it in 2004.

Then I re-wrote that in fixed function pipeline OpenGL; that didn't go very far, indeed I received a letter to cease and desist from an IP owner for that particular project's name was known in the wider world.  That IP has moved onto yet another owner now, so best of luck to them.

I however was knocked for six and it wasn't until 2018 that I started to look at a game engine at home again, spurred on by my change of job; and I really enjoyed that first pass, but it didn't focus on the graphics side of things, it was far more about the technology such as threading, memory management, and something you may have heard of, an Entity Component System.

All those pieces remain.

But this new project is very much just about my putting features together into a renderer, indeed the application level item is called "renderDemoApplication" and that is all this is.

What might the game be?  I'm still thinking about that, but I have three strong contenders and when I've picked one, you folks will be the first to hear about it.

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