
Wednesday, 24 November 2021

What's Going On?

Well, we're moving house again!.... Yes, this has been a bit mad, there's a lot going on and logistics are in place, but I'm going to be getting my own little office room back again rather than having to split creative thinking with a bedroom/high traffic area.

There's no real reason for this beyond this house didn't suit us for our living needs of space and specification, sure it's very close to our horses but it's not the house for us.

We've made a modest profit on what we've paid for it, with the rise in the market happening all around, but that's been offset by our paying more for a target property than it is really worth, and it itself being inflated in price by the market.

But whatever, a move... so that's where I've been, as well as being very very busy with work.

I am also working 100% at home now, so I've found that break between wanting to program in my own time somewhat removed by being at home all day working at programming, and of course I can't talk at all about my work on these pages; one day maybe.

Today though, a head of the move, I've been thinking about my network set up, at the moment my network is rather broken up, some of my machines are already at the new house, some are in storage with the in-laws and others are here sat with me, but without power.  I have though received some nice kit from my employer to work from home... New screens and a lovely spec PC are the big ticket items, but generally I'm just in a holding pattern until we move.

Here however is my planned network...

We will go over this in a follow up post towards the weekend.  And I'm going to be changing things up a bit, I want to support PXE booting several things, replacing some of my servers/services with VM's on the lower-power machines I have.  And then only waking up the high power machines when serious work is required, and all that waking and sleeping going on automatically through scripts & network magic packets.... Lets see where this evolution goes.

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