
Thursday, 8 July 2021

Explaining the "three dots in Chrome"... A marital skit by Mr and Mrs Xelous

Mrs> "How do I make this page bigger, it's all small and tiny?"

Mr> "Have you zoomed out?"

Mrs> "I don't know"

Mr> "See the three dots on top of one another, top right, just below the cross you close the page with?"

Mrs> "That's just closed the whole page"

Mr> "The three dots?"

Mrs> "You said the cross"

Mr> "I said 'see the three dots just below the cross'"

Mrs> "I only heard cross, don't get cross"

Mr> "Just open the browser again"

Mrs> "The what?"

Mr> "The internet, open it again, and in the top right you see three dots stacked on top of one another just below the cross to close, not ON the cross, BELOW the cross"

Mrs> "Yes, do I click them?"

Mr> "Yes, just left click and you see zoom"

Mrs> "Oh zoom, I can do that my hold CTRL and using the scroll wheel can't I"

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