
Thursday, 11 March 2021

Ship Diorama Build Blog : HMS Rodney : Pt8

 Today is superstructure day, I spent some time detailing items on the deck, but I mainly started to colour and add the plastic parts to the superstructure island.

Aft of the island are these range finders, for some reason they look like I've painted them really heavily in this image, they're not at all....

These are very thin first coats and didn't seem to go on very well, I can only assume since washing the parts pre-build they've slowly gotten a little bit greasy from my handling them.

With that I looked back to detail the decks on the super structure too, most of this area will get rust and other weathering.

I then decided to build the mast.  Upon dry fitting I found that the rear piece here, the A-frame didn't fit, the footings needed careful and lengthy filing to make them fit into the holes in the deck, and I made a mistake.

You see I fitted the fore-mast here, connected it to the A-Frame in sheer relief that I'd gotten the latter in, after the marathon filing session.

But, of course I cocked up, and I blame the instructions here a little, I sat the little nipple on the fore mast, and thought nothing of it... but then realised a basket had to hang off of it.... GAH.

This basket is meant to be between the two, not just on the front... I think I can ignore this, my OCD won't be triggered... IT WON'T.

But I also put the rest of the mast on.  And the rear baskets.

And yes, that long boom... I broke it too... nothing a dob of superglue didn't sort, but it has a slight droop...

Around the bridge I then added the view finders and these struts were a nightmare.

Finally I wanted to see things coming together.

As per the last post I've still not picked out the deeper shade for the top of the turret, which will also go on the items atop the bridge and go on the masts.

This darker shade is either a very deep blue, or a near black.  And... well, I don't think it should be black, so I'm maybe going to mix my own aquamarine to tar black, but that will entail painting the top of the turrets the bridge top and the masts.

However, that'd ALSO mean the hull shouldn't have been tar black, so I may just go with tar black...

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