
Thursday, 18 March 2021

Ship Diorama Build Blog : HMS Rodney : Pt10

 Today, before I get working I thought I'd sort out the things on my desk... of course with working from home my work space is pulling double duty, but here it is.... 

Yes, that is a coffee and a pint of juice, this is hopefully going to be a nice long uninterrupted modelling session.

First things first, lets review the other three secondary battery casements and get them superglued and we can plan out the rest of the boat deck too....

I do this supergluing by actually decanting the glue onto another surface, the best I've found is the plastic coated card on pakaging, here I'm using an old packet of tablets wrapper, decant and I can dot the glue around with a cocktail stick and touch things.

I use cocktail sticks and bluetac to hold parts for painting...

So they're the three starboard side secondary battery, I give them and the others a first coat after test fitting, they all get the sky blue colour first.

I also give the two unpainted main turrets a coat of grey, then skyblue highlights

Before masking them and adding flash details in darker tones and painting the rooves.

My references here are a little hazy, so I've used artistic license.... She's my ship now.

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