
Saturday, 6 February 2021

Sorry... What was that measure?

 I've a bit of an eye for oddities in product listings... and this one caught me...

This is for a door latching system and its the weight thng at the top, first of all they can't just say "takes between 1.2 and 1.6 kilos of force to open", instead they go with this very odd metric of 1.5 bottles of 4L water.

So... one and a half bottles of 4 litres of water....

Very distinctly not six litres of water... And the strange thing is I'm pretty sure a litre of water weighs a kilo itself, so one and a half bottles of 4 litres... That'd be 4 + 2 giving us 6 in total, six kilos, which isn't mentioned.

It is just all round odd... That's all I've got for you, move along... move along I say!

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