
Friday, 13 September 2019

PC Overclock and Boot Issues

I've had a bit of a rough ride the last few days, my main workstation PC has been playing me up chronic.  The first signs of problems were a failure to post, then I had a VGA missing error in quick succession.  Power cycling at the wall I got a post but the drive order has been lost.

My immediate thought was perhaps the graphics card had worked loose, I ensured it was seated and rebooted, all seemed fine.

However, getting into windows I immediately felt a sort of sluggish feeling, taking a look around I quickly saw the problem I'd lost my overclock...

To remind you the machine is sporting a Xeon X5670 overclocked to 4.0ghz, but it was running at a stock 2.53ghz, and I could really really tell.

So, back to the BIOS and I suspected I'd lost the overclock and the drive settings because of a flaky motherboard manual.

Swapping the battery out and reapplying the overclock and everything seems fine, I've even reset which drive to boot from as I'm not booting from an M.2 PCIe NVME.

But it has been a trying time, and it's really set me back... Watch this space for a 6 core, 12 thread potential replacement...

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