
Wednesday, 18 September 2019

1am Cavalry : A follow up

As a follow up to the horses being loose the other night, my wife and I were the ONLY people to go out and get them home, to corral them out of the street and back up the hill, to wake the yard owner and get her and her partner to help get them safe.... THE ONLY PEOPLE.

Yet, my wife has been stopped three times by people to tell her all about it... As though they were there.

Folks who were NOT there, who were NOT out helping, who do not even own horses, "Have you heard about the horses, they were up and down here".

One woman even said "Oh yes, I looked out and saw you were on it so knew they'd be safe"... Really, two people sorting out nine loose horses, you were a lot of help, jog on, love... Jog on.

The arrogance of these people, trying to feel involved, especially when they try to patronize that they know all about it and they're doing you a favour of involving you.... I think they feel that by telling you about their little world they're involved in the community, but their community is based on gossip and bullshit, there's nothing solid to it, nothing real about their little suburban folly.

It's a little bit sickening.  

You were not involved, watching out of the window does not make you part of the solution, it does not make you part of events, to be involved you have to get out and get doing.

Total idiots these people, total and utter idiots, and they've quite annoyed the both of us.

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