
Thursday, 27 June 2019

C++: make_unique friendship

I've previously posted about adding a friendship to the shared_ptr base class to allow a public static function containing a "make_shared" to access private constructors....

Well, here's the partial move I've started to make in my own code bases to do the same with a unique_ptr.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Item;
using ItemPtr = std::unique_ptr<Item>;
class Item
    static ItemPtr Create()
        return std::make_unique<Item>();

    const int& Get() const
        return value;

    friend std::unique_ptr<Item> std::make_unique<Item>();

        : value(42)

    int value;

int main ()
auto i = Item::Crete();
std::cout << i->Get() << std::endl;

The secret sauce here is the friend, making the "make_unique" function a friend allows it to access the private constructor.

We could water-tight the "Item" class here by deleting the other constructors...

Item() = delete;
Item(const Item&) = delete;
Item(Item&&) = delete;
Item& operator=(const Item&) = delete;
Item& operator=(Item&&) = delete;

This way we stop any assignment to the type or construction except through the static "Create" function.

Nothing truly amazing here, but I challenge you all now to go add a parameter to the constructor... const int& incomingValue... perhaps and add it to the "Create" and try to set "value" to 100 instead of 42.

The template deduction for the type becomes a total mine-fiend, as the compiler wants to marry  up the "Type&& ..." underlying the parameters rather than treating it as a pure standard forward.

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