
Saturday, 15 December 2018

Plastering Machine Required

So, the move is over... So many little jobs have been completed, from wiring, changing switches and today plastering a wall from which the pink finish had crumbled (no idea why the prior owner left it to get in such a state, it only took an hour to strip, brush, seal with PVA and replaster...

Which brings me onto the topic of today's post... An invention... Which mixes plaster...

Yes, this would be a huge money maker, but there must be a reason it doesn't exist on the domestic market.... Now I'm pretty sure there will be a huge hundred grands worth of professional mixing machine somewhere, but I'm talking about the small job, a single wall or room in a home.

What might this need?... Well, it needs some sensors for the mix, thickness/turbidity, water, weight, temperature even?  You pour the dry powder in some hopper, it's tested, you set the mix type (finishing or main coat etc) the water is maybe filled straight from a tap to the machine... and the computer does the rest, mixing and preparing...

When its ready, you can open a spigot to layout out the perfect mix onto your plastering hawk.

All this for say £80... I'd buy one, bet most of it could be made from plastic too, just a single mixing motor, one inlet valve... The sensors would be the key I feel, the better and more accurate the sensor the easier the mix.

The final item would maybe be a high pressure jet attachment which you close into the mixing tub at the end of your task, and which belts out the residue plaster, this time you direct the spigot to a dedicated sluice bucket which you dispose of properly.

I dunno, maybe it's a fantasy, maybe it's a money maker, whichever way, you heard about it here, first and when some other frustrated (more electronically able geek) has the same plastering problem as me (i.e. not being able to actually mix very well) then this may exist, and I want a cut of the profits... 20% sounds fair?

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