
Friday, 6 April 2018

Is YouTube Advertising AI Imploding?

On February 28th, 2023, this post was somehow highlighted and marked by blogger as being in violation of their adult content policy; I do not believe this post at all to be in violation of their policy, specifically:

Your content has been evaluated according to our adult content policy. 

I do not find any of my content below to be in violation, I do not know what algorithm, person, or perhaps company flagged my content on this post, I could take a guess from my commentary that the company in question is the issue.

However, I would point out that I clearly show these in appropriate adverts were embedded in YouTube pages, which is a google company, and I have had my post censured on blogger; also a google company.  The irony of this is now lost on me.

I therefore repost my content, with this new passage at the top, to be clear that I will not be silenced.


We've all see the adpocalypse and it's effect on our YouTube Channels; not only from advertisers pulling out of YouTube and google cutting us small fry video makers out of the monetisation features but also this new strange wave of advertisers.

Now, I have no objection to Udemy, but really do I have to see their advert every five minutes?  I have some objection to Polish government based advertising I've seen as well both pro and con sides of other political advertising.

However, today, YouTube has hit a new low for me, watching a video related to second hand server hardware, look at the advertisement plastered on the bottom of the page!

Yes you're not mistaken, this is a category in appropriate, audience in appropriate, utterly and totally in appropriate for YouTube advert for Mature Women who always want to fuck... Yes, that's the long and the short of it, or the schlong of it....

And I am utterly flabberghasted this is the bottom of the barrel from YouTube in their advertising campaign, if this is the depths of depravity they're willing to stoop to then one really can't help but feel they've totally lost their way.

It seems the YouTube evil AI has intrinsically linked server or home networking enthusiasts with wanting to date mature women who have no moral compass, because going to another page, here's ANOTHER example of the same advertiser...

I'm interested in whom is able to post this inappropriate advertising to YouTube, and I want to confront them with it, when they themselves are willing to censor and judge others, when they're willing to kick people off channels, and when they're seemingly not in control of their own systems; as any human would surely have spotted these are perhaps not the most wholesome things to advertise on a platform like YouTube you can understand why people currently have so much hate for YouTube's policies...

Clicking the think then where do we go?

The bottom of this page we can then find a company name:

Who are Bulova Invest Ltd and how do they get away with advertising this junk on YouTube?  Well, there's no contact or company information on the page beyond this copyright notice so lets take a look what a search turns up.

A post office box in the British Virgin Islands... Oh My... They have a whole gaggle of unsavoury sites... "", "sexeronde", "fattychaser", "bediscreet", "yolovers" to name a few... And they go to some lengths to hide who they are, if you copy the above text (from the yellow screen shot) you will not get "Bulova Invest Ltd" you will actually copy the text "dtL tsevnl avoluB" obfuscating easy paper-trail checking & accountability.  It is just so seedy, so dodgy, its below bottom feeding.

So YouTube allowed out of control posting of any content, which had a lash back to loose advertisers, their reaction was to restrict those few inappropriate posters, but the social media cat was out of the bag so they lost mainstream advertisers, and so now they have more work to police a minor few for stupid video posts, less revenue, and hence are forced to take on inappropriate advertisers like this, it seems like the trip down the rabbit hole is only half complete... Is YouTube self imploding?

Its a farce, bad posters got rewarded to went off the rails, advertisers fell out of line, small video producers got "punished" for this really and now the advertising is inappropriate?!?!  Its a positive feedback loop in that YouTube AI to just really really turn me off of the platform, or perhaps worse still for their bottom-line, to reinstall an adblocker...

I've tried always to avoid blocking adverts, as a small producer myself I know how important those ads were, but now... I'm not going to have this kind of crap advertised in my face.

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