
Monday, 13 November 2017

Virgin media - Poor Speed Proof in Statistics

From my prior post, I have now appended the first ResultSet1.csv file - used to generate the chart in my previous post....

However, since than I have been doing some processing, and between 20:00 and 21:59 there are 191 entries in my little chart.  Remember this is what virgin refer to as "Peak time", and they state an average of 50mbits in 24 hours.  I'll be fair here, they never state what the actual speed they throttle down to or limit one as, but the chart here clearly shows 50mbits...

So, what average did I receive for 24 hours?

22.124 mbits/sec

Less than half the speed promised.

My speed during the peak time slot?  Averaged out as?

6.310 mbits/sec

Utterly pathetic...

You can download the results csv yourself, plug this into a spreadsheet and enjoy the proof positive of this dreadful situation.

To make matters that little bit worse, I have tried to call Virgin, and spent tens of minutes of my break and lunch in the queue to speak to someone, and their live chat simply performs this horrid loop:

Clearly the average upload speed of my test matches their predictions, its not particularly impressive, but is the speed as advertised.

Since I am having issues talking to Virgin, their Twitter minions keep passing me from pillar to post, asking the same dead-end and above all unrelated questions, and their actual customer services team are harder to talk to than they should be.... I think I'll be forwarding this one now to the communications ombudsman.

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