
Friday, 10 November 2017

Virgin Media : Poor Internet Speed Misery

You know that moment in Misery where Annie (played by the excellent Kathy Bates) raises the lump hammer to Paul (James Caan's) ankles?  That hopeless moment, where you know what's coming, and she's determined this is the best, and he's helpless to change things....

Yeah, his feeling at that moment is the same feeling I get whenever I try to solve my service problems with Virgin Media.  I've tried in the phone centre, they either won't talk to me, or deny I'm an account holder - the account being in my wifes name, but I'm a registered up user of the account etc etc.... Or they simply deny there's an issue....

"I can ping you now sir"....

Really, a few ICMP packets get through and you think it's a-okay do you?

Or I get told, reboot your superhub...

Or variously asked "are you on wifi or wired"... It makes no difference when the speed recorded by either is less than 2mbits!!!

And I've just been told in a reply on twitter "If you have been told about an Area Issue were you given an estimate as to when the issue will be resolved"... I've not been told anything about any area issues, nothing, nada, zip.

Therefore I'm still not best pleased, remember I went down from paying through the nose for Vivid200, as I never ever got anywhere near 200mbits/sec ever.  I did record regular speeds of around 34 to 50 mbits, therefore the safer, more cost effective option was to pay for Vivid50.  Simple, see, simple logical option, if they can't meet the expectations of their own service, play the system at it's own game.

However, it seems that in reality, Vivid200 should be labelled Vivid50, and Vivid50 itself should be called Vivid1... Because breaking the 1mbit/sec barrier seems to be too much for it.

I have therefore decided to create something anyone can interpret, a chart... Managers love charts... People can interpret charts....

This chart is going to record the internet speed (recorded from my linux server, on my wired Cat5e directly to my 1gigabit router, which is directly wired to the Virgin Media Superhub 2 set into Modem Mode).  No wifi, no confusion, no bull, and my router has pfSense, so I can see there's no shenanigans, just the pure speed through put.

I'm going to record the speed with "speedtest-cli", which you can see yourself how to install here.

I will collect my results by running a python script, which runs the speed test and outputs the time, the upload and finally the download speed into a CSV file.

Find the source on my github... 

import subprocess
import time
from time import gmtime, strftime

# Open a simple text file for writing the result
resultFile = open("speedtest.txt", "a+")

while True:
# Header text & placeholders for our result
print ("Starting Test...")
timeStr = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
downloadSpeed = ""
uploadSpeed = ""

# Action the process to test our speed
# capturing it's output
result =['speedtest-cli'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# Process the output into text & split the text
# at each new line character
btext = result.stdout
text = btext.decode('ascii')
lines = text.split("\n")

# For each line, check whether it is upload
# or download
for line in lines:
# For Download, take a split against space
# and the middle value is the speed
if line.startswith('Download: '):
speedParts = line.split(" ")
if len(speedParts) == 3:
downloadSpeed = speedParts[1]
# Likewise for upload, the middle  value is
# the tested speed
elif line.startswith('Upload: '):
speedParts = line.split(" ")
if len(speedParts) == 3:
uploadSpeed = speedParts[1]

# Print our output result as a CSV
print (timeStr + "," + downloadSpeed + "," + uploadSpeed)

# Write the result to a file also
resultFile.write (timeStr + "," + downloadSpeed + "," + uploadSpeed + "\r\n")

# Count down until the next test time
count = 10
while count > 0:
# The line is repeated, so we use the end=""
# and a return carriage to print over and over
print ("\rTime until next test " + str(count) + " seconds", end="")
count = count - 1
# Print a new line to stop the next text appending
# on the time count down line

I will then load this CSV file into a spread sheet and create a chart, here's one I created earlier with 5 test data points.

The blue-line is where I'm most concerned, that is my download speed, as you can see within three minutes I had quite a difference, ranging from a high of 2.24 mbit, to a low of 1.23 mbit.  Upload speed has been more consistent giving a measly 3.5 to 4.0 ish.

I already know where VirginMedia will take the conversation, they will talk about "based on average peak time download performance".  However, I want to immediately counter that their speed information states that speeds are based around "Movie based on 4.1GB file size a single user and wired connection", and this chart is provided.... 

Average download speed at peak time (8pm to 10pm) the time's I have mostly messaged to them on twitter are sub 1mbps... Right now at just before 11am they are still reporting as extremely low.  And yes, this server is the ONLY machine on in the house, the wifi is off, the other wire into this hub removed, there is one wire to one machine and one wire to their Superhub...

And yes, I can get 1gbit disk to disk over NFS on this hub, the wires to and from it to the machines are perfect, and I've also swapped the wire to the superhub.

I'm going to run this for a few days, and see what speeds we get in the dead of night, or early mornings, and see if there is a pattern.  I have known for years Virgin will throttle speeds, however, their table of speeds is labelled "Average", one can only believe we're on the lowest ebb of that bell curve, and I am not a happy customer.

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