
Monday, 12 December 2016

What TLA are you today?

TLA... TLA... A kingdom for your TLA... That's three letter acronym by the way... Well, strictly three letters is not the limit, but I'm extremely annoyed this week at hearing all these random seeming strange acronyms being thrown around...

I've heard....

CCNA, ITIL, MSCE, CIT, BACCT and EMECH today alone...

Some I have heard of, some I've not, the last is so generic as to be equivalent to "I read a book, once".

So lets cover my opinion of  a few of these, the Cisco certification, it's clearly fine and required to work with their kit, I've always found reading Cisco manuals to be a torture; but as a pfSense convert I no longer have many issues with Cisco kit.

ITIL, I actually myself started to read this course, it was... It wasn't that useful, practicality wise at least, it relied a lot on Microsoft specific software, run to Linux and be set free!

MSCE, this was the classic "well you did graduate a few years ago, but now you need this" qualification.... However, now... Not so much, at all... Especially when you use a compiler other than Microsoft's more often than not!

The rest, well... I'll be honest I'd never heard of them... However, I don't take an effective CV as being one containing a whole bunch of these acronyms.  I am not the kind of reader, or reviewer, to just think "shit I don't know that acronym the writer of this CV must be real smart!"... No, I actually look it up, and you know if I google for your qualification and can find only adverts for places offering the course, I think the course is only good for those selling it, it's not actually very good for those of us trying to decipher your ability....

Lets draw a line under this discussion and just focus on something else...

I just talked about your ability, if you want to quantify your ability go right a head, but I'll personally take your worth, how much do you value the work, how do you communicate your wish and will to succeed?... That's more important than any paid to read cookie cutter course in my opinion.

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