
Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Remember Remember to Blog in September

Sorry I've been away so long, but I've been very very busy, in the office I've had a paradigm shift in my projects, away from coaxing old C# systems and writing little C++ items to developing for Android.

I've therefore had to set up, and document, a whole manner of working with a new set of devices on an OS most of the folks in my office don't want to acknowledge, no not Android... Linux... They line Android... But detest and hate seeing Linux.

Yes, yes I know Android is Linux, and I know you know... But you tell some of the folks in my office, and the ones who don't have an opinion generally have an iPhone stuck to their ear.

So, developing for Android... I must have been doing Java eh?... Nope... Remember I said I was into Python, well I've been developing Python for Android, I've learned the languages, got to grips with Kivy and used buildozer to create my APK's for distribution to the devices.

I've dabbled with PyJNIus as well as other Android API libraries.

I will be bringing some tutorials to these pages about all this, once I've gotten the project itself completed.

My current challenge is animation of the active pages within the Application with Kivy.

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