
Friday, 13 March 2015

RIP Terry Pratchett

There is a low tone to the city he created, even Treacle Mine Road is swathed in straw to soften the rattle of cart wheels, each officer of the Watch sports a black arm band, even the Wizards of Unseen University take note; toasting Sir Terry Pratchett into his eternal stroll over the black sands of the eternal desert of the final night.

At, least that's how I'd like to see Ankh-Morpork react, the place would probably just carry on as normal, save it can't can it, for it existed in Sir Terrys being, and as such the great twin sit, sitting a stride the slow oozing Anhk is now forever quiet.

The Great A'tuin finds itself treading water, and so we say fair well to the world of the disc.

Whether another author dare take up Terry's mantle is yet to be see, but so many questions remain, would Captain Carrot ever have come to terms with being the lost King of the city?  Would Sam Vimes ever retire?  Did Nobby Nobbs ever find love?  Did Sergeant Colon ever finish decorating his Kitchen?

To be sure, we all who read a discworld novel, got to know a part of the world, only Terry knew it all, and he will now be very sadly missed.

Though his writing be brought us so much, through his work with Dementia and Alzeimers Charities he brought great focus onto that terrible affliction, which he himself struggled, and for that we can only salute the greatest of Knights of the Realm we have lost this day.

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