
Monday, 15 December 2014

Seriously? Vasility?

I've just had a conversation with a senior developer at a major company related to the work I perform day to day...

And after he'd done explaining something he asked "Any questions"...

I tentatively said "Yes, could you clarify what you mean by 'Vasillity'"...

That's what he was saying "Vasility"... he doesn't - as far as I can tell - have a speech impediment, he doesn't have a cold and he's not usually an arsehole, so I was very surprised when he said to me...

"Don't be a smart ass"...

I'm not being a smart ass, I really didn't know what he meant by "Vasility"...  he got very uppity with me and he left the conversation there.

About a minute later one of the other chaps whom I work with explained "he meant facility, he just can't say it"...

I didn't know this... It's a pretty strange situation, and he can say a whole bunch of other "F" works, including FUCK, which I've heard him say many times; if he'd been saying "vuck" all these years I'd have had a clue.

Anyway, Vuck it, I'm off to use the Vasilities.

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