
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Programming - Elite Dangerous Tools - Image Stitching

I've been working on the Tools for Elite, however I'm having problems with the current release of the game itself, it keeps just locking my machine.  And I don't mean it locks the process, I mean the whole machine locked solid, I have to power cycle to get out of the problem.

This is a solid, stable, machine, only Elite Dangerous does this and the windows log contains information that a part of Elite Dangerous went to 100% CPU and would not come back down again.

I had reported this in both Beta and Gamma builds, but the ticket got closed, and so now in release I'm simply not playing.

But, on with the image stitching, without any of the Elite Dangerous market data I need to look at how to capture the images, and the market listing is long, it turns into several screen shots, so with the area of the screen I'm going to capture know I just need to scroll down, let the image capture, and then stitch the images together...

Let us mock up some Market data...

My first pass stitches the 2nd and 3rd images together...

Then I stitch this partial to the 1st image.

If you look closely you can see there's a repeat pixel, so I need to crop one pixel off of the pieces before I paste them together, but other than that it worked....

I'm currently thinking about looking into OpenCV, but I need a few days reading time first.

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