
Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Jingles, Jingles, Where for art thou Jingles?

I just had a major moment, I thought one of my favourite YouTubers had up and quit... He was not in my subscriptions list... And refreshing, clearing my cache and even using a different PC with a different browser didn't bring him back!...

I was bereft, that is until I remembered YouTube is a flaky piece of shit with it's notification and subscription system, so I visited the chaps channel, and voila there he is... and... Yes, I'm subscribed!... But I still can't see him in my subscriptions....

Anyway, I'll be catching up on the three videos I've missed around about now...

1 comment:

  1. I figured it out... He's made a rookie mistake... he's changed his channel name from Bohemian Eagle to "The Might Jingles"... taking himself from "B" and the top of most subscription lists to "T" near the bottom.... Jingles, you done fucked up there mate.
