
Thursday, 4 September 2014

Story Time - Pulling My Nutz Out the Fire (Work Place Meetings)

Last week in Story Time I talked about my best-worst day, related to that is my most embarassing moment at work... It happened at that actual company I got caned by....

And this story came to me after I'd read this post from DadHacker... 

The company was split into two custom made buildings, the down stairs of building 1 was admin and offices, most of the directors sat there with plush offices, there was also a single large meeting room - which was always the hottest room in the company, come rain, wind, shine or snow you could pop in there in and get warm.

This was important between the two buildings as if you were based in the more technology orientated building 2, then you had to cross the open car park frequently to meetings & presentations, and in the hills of Derbyshire this was COLD!

So a warm, communal and often empty warm room got you back up to speed, you could organise yourself and your notes and then pop into the meeting you had on hand.

But this warm, embrace, was also a deadly enemy.  I was once called over to a very boring meeting, three technology guys, the totally real director and then me on just a couple of hours sleep...

They presented their idea, the tech guys dissected it for the hardware, and I was to provide the software, but it was way beyond any of the machines they had in the building, I straight off asked for a few reference books and a nice graphics card... Spending money!...

And Spending money on something other than camel cigarettes was something this guy didn't like, so he shelved me and they four went off on their own conversation.

Now I don't know how long it took, or what noises I made, but I was startled awake a indeterminate amount of time later by the lit cigarette end of this guy waving up and down in my wave... He was holding my shoulders and looking very angry.

Panick, panick... What to say... "Oh help" I wimpered "my bloooo" I stumbled on purposed "blood sugar low"...


The anger melted from his face and ordered one of the techies out to find something to eat, they came up with a banana from the receptionist - I hate banana's, but I unzipped that one and ate half chewing slowly and then holding a piece under my tongue as if recovering...

With the secretary at the door looking concerned a flow of cool air came in from the glass fronted reception area, and it revived me more.... I could almost convince myself that I had had a hypo... Despite not being diabetic.

They clocked me later, as another time I munched down a four pack of mars bars for lunch, but on that day... I pulled my nutz out the fire.

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