
Monday, 22 September 2014

I'm Back - Blog Update & Gaming

Hey guys & gals, I'm back... Where have I been?.. Well, I've been decorating.  I've had a week off of the office job to renovate the house a little, I've done the Utility room, painted the living room and the big job was completely renovating the bathroom.  So a new bathroom suite, new tiling, water proofing, removed all the old 1970's crap...

How Do I know it was 1970's crap?... Well, removing the lights I found they were lined with news paper, dated 1979... and then removing a rotting cupboard beneath was carpet, beneath that was old lino, and then beneath that was more news paper dated the 8th December 1971...

So I stripped all that, and got on with things, only one huge cock up, the ceiling... Which is waiting action from a man with the skillz...

Anyway, other than pulling 9 days of 16 hours elbow deep in shit, grout and paint I've played a fair bit of Simulator Battles in WarThunder, I've maxed out a bunch of aircraft with ace status, and I've also unlocked tier 4 in both the American and German tree's... I need to earn them lions to pay for the new aircraft is all.

So, notable simulator battle experience has been... Setting up all my controls - I may create a video about this - I've flown out in the Tier 3 BF109F4 and got real human kills, took out a P39 who was good.... Then flew the Italian G.50 a lot, so unhappy with how underpowered those 12.5mm BREDA machine guns are, yesterday I managed to get on the tail on a British Nimrod MK II... Hit is 12 times... 12 hits!... And it just flew on... GAH!  Then I also flew the P47, getting hits on targets, but no kills... and also flew out in the P38, which is so smooth (with the counter rotating props) compared to other aircraft.

I'd highly recommend new players to Simulator Battles setting about learning to boom & zoom in the P38, because it is fast; but you do not have to worry about rudder swinging on take off or low speed.  The guns all being mounted in the nose let you also at least spot and take out ground targets (the aircraft does get special ammo for ground target work too - so this is legit tactics), to get the feel for the maps and how to fly....

My biggest problem is still low-level stalls, I seem to be able to put the Fw190 into an unrecoverable flat spin just by looking at it, I've recovered (or not) the same spin in the G.50, the Spitfire Mk IIb and even the BF109E3, F4 and G2.... But the 190, once its in that modus operandi.... It is intent on killing you.

That said, early in the week, I did get a kill in the Fw190-A1...

Other things I'm planning, well we're getting the second house ready to rent, so we'll be moving back to the first house, when that happens I'm going to start a regular Simulator evening, playing and even recording/broadcasting what I'm up to.

I've also got two coding projects to go through with you guys, and even an update on the old "Write your own CPU" series.

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