
Monday, 2 December 2013

WarThunder - Ramming and sucking A20G Pilots Suck

Playing WarThunder last night I was intent on getting rank 8 in the German airforces, and I did so, but not after dealing with some of the most stupid shit.

Above Rank 6 it seems I always got matched into ground attack missions, with the A20G's going around like invincible clouds and Yak9T's hovering about like monkey on his cloud...

However, I held my own and even got kills in my 109 E-1 and Folgore before the frustration set in... I was in a good mission with my 109E-4, and equipped with 4 bombs I even got some medium tank kills to help my score... Now, the rank of heavy tanks I could not take, so seeing a friendly A20 coming in - from spawn - I assumed he'd have bombs and go for the heavies, whilst I shot up the Beaufort he was on... Nooo...

I've checked the replay since, and you can see the friendly A20, whom we'll call G is on the 6 of the Beaufort, spewing out tracers he obviously has no stealth ammo, and then the Enemy E and friendly G turn and roll turn to port, meanwhile finishing my strafing and bombing run I've got 4 guns (including 2 x 20mm cannon) itching to go, so crossing his T I send a hail of shots into E.  And turn in pursuit.

Now at the time, I had no idea about this, but G also started to turn after E too... So there's me, in a light nimble fighter, fully loaded lining up a shot, but unwittingly cutting in on G's line of fire... Does G spot this?... yes, because I see his shells flipping past me as I'm lining up to hit E... Indeed as I'm hitting the canopy and sending defending gunners unconscious G is shooting through me at E.. So I break up and right, seeing more of his tracer going by, but missing, I then swivel back down for one last cutting swathes through the starboard enemy engine and I'm firing... When suddenly my camera in the game jumps, its being depressed by G coming right up behind me...

In a shallow dive G manages to push through my camera, and as I try to slide port and away he comes down and cuts my starboard wing off...


Now, folks, if you're a driver and you're driving along, and you run into the back of another car YOU get done for driving without due care and attention, and I have to say, G in this situation was flying without due care and attention.

I'm not going to bother defending my own cutting in earlier, I did it, and I got hits on the enemy and G was not firing, so either his guns were dry or he was manoeuvring, but the moment he got back on the enemy he saw me, but pressed his approach and was shooting through me...

This kind of shit is what WarThunder needs to address... 

I don't know how, the data should perhaps tell them that my plane was at X y Z positions, and he was at X1 and y1 and Z1 at T and t1 then wherever at t2... And the tolerance between the two before "Aircraft Collision" should tell the game, "hey the guy came up behind him and chopped him in half".

I found this collision more annoying than even the head on's, which are ludicrously common, more annoying because the guy could see me, and just flew right on into my space and then expected me to know where he was... Its a fucking 109, and I was at 100 feet flying 200 miles an hour on spattering a target with gun fire... Why would I possibly NOT turn my camera to check for YOU?... Morons, the lot of them.

The fact he welcomed me to post him on YouTube is even more gratifying, and I've got the video on edit to post before this goes live.

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