
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

YouTube Going Strange

I've noticed YouTube has started to add the GB feed into my mix all the time, and nothing on it appeals, so every day I remove the GB feed, but every morning that stupid feed is back.  And I've noticed that some of the recommendations I get are getting screwy.

Now, I use my machines alone, I don't log onto my account for YouTube from a shared computer and so the selection of items and suggestions should be mine... right...

Well, check this out...

Okay, Cartoons from the BFF guys... and AGP... and Game stuff, war stuff... Technology and Numberphile stuff...

But there in top six, bottom left of that group... "How to put on a Tampon"... WHY THE FUCK... What... I just can't... I have no explanation for why that's there... Nothing nada no explanation at all... Its either a joke video, or serious, and either way I'm not willing to click it to find out.

I just boggle however how the YouTube algorithm matched that to me and my play list tastes...

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