
Monday, 28 October 2013

Minecraft - Death Island

Just a quick one, my main Minecraft world.... I died last night.

I was busy collecting resources for an under-sea train system, I have two large deep mines, one a strip mine, and one a branch mine.  And I was after connecting the two with a rail system, and then a rail storage system so I could transfer all my mined resources back to my base storage room in one slick action...

For this I needed some netherquartz... I was careless, and whilst digging through in the nether with an enchanged Efficiency IV pick (which rips through the netherrack like a machine gun) I tore open a lava pool and burned to death in the lava...

My rule kicked in, so I have to start over...

The new world I generated on - which I must give the seed for - was an island... And on this island there was not a single tree... So starting off was very very challenging, but like some Bond villian I now have swam to the mainland, got a bit of wood - and importantly a few saplings - and made a boat and returned to my island, which I'm going to terraform.

Screen shots to follow...

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