
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Work and YouTube

So, after the horrible end to the week, I'm starting the new week in the office - gah.

The one consolation is I've caught up on a whole bunch of youtube content whilst coding this new system for the boss, and I've lined up a new game I'm going to take an interest in... And that's EverQuest Next.

I was never in EQ or EQ2, I used to read however, Karen stopped updating not long after I was on Darren's Podcast.

The main portal for everquest next is over with the sony folks at... But YouTube content for the world wide announcement of last week appears to be the best source of information:

The other big tech news of the week has been Google going dark... 2 minutes outage in the West coast US, and 40% of the net traffic dropped out... that's an impressive amount of carry for one company, but perhaps makes one wonder quite how ubiquitous use of google is, this very blog is a google based product...

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