
Saturday, 24 August 2013

Windows Reinstall Progress - Bowser Device?

Yeah, last night I started my windows reinstall, of course it started with a back up of lots of data.... Nearly 6,000,000 files later, I have moved a lot of stuff, I usually don't have this amount of files, but I had a server failure in 2011 and recovered the files to a folder creatively called "DesparateRecoveryNight"...

So, having spent hours copying these from the mail hard drive onto the two secondary drives I set about checking out why the system might be playing up, and I found a rogue piece of hardware, or at least a driver for something which I can neither say I own, nor identify...

This device was say in "Other Devices", listed as installed correctly and called "Bowser"...

No, not that Bowser - least I hope not, could he be after my 'shrooms? - but I don't have a device anywhere I remember coming in as Bowser... And of course searching the internet about it simply gives you references to the above dinosaur boss, or it gives you people whom have miss-spelt "browser", about which this was neither...

I disabled this device listing however, and a few (but not all) of the network problems I had been having stopped... And despite Windows all along reporting no use of network bandwidth, my router showed a 95% drop in out-going packets, I can only assume I've got a nasty at this point.

So I fire up a virus scanner - 1 result - but this was part of DirectX which always comes up as a false positive...

My plan going a heads is to scan all the other additional drives, reboot into my linux partition and back up that data, then reinstall Windows 7.

I'm on Vista 64bit so its time to retire it.  My laptop was the test for my new Windows 7 license, but its since been wiped over with Linux Mint... so my Windows 7 license is free for my mail gaming PC :)

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