
Monday, 8 July 2013

What did you do on July 4th?

I went to work, I went to the shops... Why?

Seriously got accosted with this in an online game last night, I admit by an American, but at the time I had no idea he was American... He was playing on the EU server, and chatting away, and then he saw me - and I have no idea even now who the guy was - he was convinced he knew me...

On and on he went, "What kind of patriot are you?  Doing nothing July 4th!"

"Sorry, so you think I'm American, or even give a shit?"

And it went down hill from there, why do I attract these retards?... There was another in World of Tanks - where I'm currently grinding up the shit level IV to V step in the British lines - in the Valentine tank, one of the slowest I've ever been in, and this arty guy (French chap) was going on and on and on...

The whole night, retard after retard, and this yank was the last in a long pile....

"Let me reiterate, we don't give a shit about July 4th, we're not Patriotic to America, you're playing on the EU Server there's a whole smorgasbord of people here"  I said.

"Ah, you're fucking Swedish" his reply...

I've had this kind of shit ALL weekend, I've been working very long hours all month, all this weekend, and its boiling hot, when I've got home and spent time with the wife - but my mind is still active - I want to sit down and go brain dead over games not with this parade of morons wandering through my filter every other minute.

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