
Monday, 3 June 2013

Linux Installed & Portal Played

A mixed bag of a weekend I must say, I've spent a some time fixing up my main working PC, its now got a fresh Ubuntu 13.04 install on a nice fast drive, I've fitted a lovely new SATA DVD/RW drive and I've cleaned up a load of problems.

I even tried out the Portal(Beta) on stream on Ubuntu - which ran fantastically well - though I could see some graphical tearing in places - notably in the vibrating lifts.  Having never played Portal before however I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

My wife got a little pissy with me however, it was distinctly obvious she wasn't coping with my receiving gifts when she was not, she got very obviously and restlessly jealous.  So I had to give in and we went for a two hour walk in the country side - I picked the worst shoes for this and so I'm suffering a little this morning, but she did shut up and leave me be.

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