
Monday, 13 May 2013

The Stink

Here it is, for days, weeks I've been sitting here in the office saying... "SOMETHING SMELLS OF FARTS"....

I've looked all around my desk, I've checked the air vents, I've checked the window seal... No idea what it is...

Just now, I had enough of it, I was alone in the working area, and I could smell it... No aircon, nothing... The airs getting thicker and thicker with it.  So I open the window, and take a fresh air break.  Close the window and turn around... WHAFT!

So I start going like a blood hound... and I'm going... Sniff sniff sniff....

Not my desk... Not the other desk, not the machines... not the bin... The desk by the window.. sniff sniff...

Not the chair, not the draws... Sniff... Retch, the fucking plant.

The potted plant was rotting away... The guy has not been in in a while, but we leave the desk alone... and... sniff... fucking hell.

I take it to the kitchenette and lift it out the pot, and there's dried black scum all over the inside of the china pot, and then no water... So I wash the pot, and wet the soil... Whaft... OH GOD.... The smell once water hit the soil, 100x worse... Which is a bit of a laugh because the poor schmucks sat closest the kitchenette can do nowt but smell it now...

Its a little pay back, I've had that smell for weeks...

I've sorted it, and sprayed the whole office with air freshener, but still... drama.

The ironic thing is, I often describe the atmosphere in here as "being like a used trainer"... but I'd have taken the smell of an old Nike over this stench any day.

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