
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Derp that Programming!

I've just spent the best part of my morning setting up a developer on a project at work, this would go unmarked, except I remember setting the same developer up on the same project about three years ago, and they did produce a module for this project back then... Yet it seemed today that their head was empty...

And I mean, empty... this person, I was telling them to click on things and they were like looking down at their mouse... "A click eh, how..a...ah... Ah I see, the button thing, yes".

I was specific and pretty slow, "plug in the USB device and copy filders x y z off of it".... two hours later.... "have you copied those folders?"... "Ah, no, the USb device has not appeared in the computer list, I've took it out and put it back in again twice"...

I walk over, press F5 and voila, there it is... "Right, I'll get copying now"...

Now, this person is meant to work with me on a tight time scheduled project... I don't hold high hopes.

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