
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Amazon AWS - Very Reasonable People

I'm going to lax lyrical about the really great customer service I've had from Amazon AWS.  I tried the free usage tier last year, and thought I had shut it all off, indeed I the dashboard for the service at the time let me think it was all closed down - and hence accruing no costs.

However, I had missed an Elastic IP, it was going to nothing, but was still assigned.  So I got charged $2.48.  I was a little peeved at this, and had to recover the account password to log on and try to work out what was going on.  The new dashboard let me see the resource and release it.

But, I had already been charged, for effectively nothing.  So, I wrote up a quick note to customer services explaining this whole little episode.  It was such a tiny thing, I was willing to update my billing info (my card expired so they couldn't just take the cash)...

Blow me down though, they've replied and agree'd my usage was nothing and not worth billing and refunded me this tiny amount cancelling it all off.  And I'm so very very impressed I've come here to tell you all about this.

The reason being, I've been a customer to several server providers in time, and none have matched this level of speed and meaningful communication, and absolutely none of them have been as helpful nor agreeable.

So, kudos to Amazon.

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