
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Chairs, Cars and my Annoyances

Today's a bit of a birc-a-brac post for the world at large, firstly I'm sick of the high street media were going on about this just this morning, about how internet shopping is killing shops and shopping in person.  Well, let me tell you, it's not only the internet its stupid annoying shop staff.

Let me run you through this properly, I need a new chair for my office, as a programmer I spend a lot of time in my chair, but with lots of expenses over Christmas I had a set budget to adhere to for a new chair, we're talking less then £100.  So, with such a budget I wanted to avoid getting a £39.99 plastic armed monster and have it fall to bits within a year, I actually wanted pretty much the same chair I had from 2002 til 2008, a leather short backed operators chair.

I have a similar chair at work, but its price is prohibitive, however, it looked like a certain store had the answer, a chair very much what I wanted, for £73.  So I set off to try it out last night.

I got there, and I tried it out, but was confused to see the price was £110.  Beyond the budget, and not as stated on their website, so I asked for a price check... I was made to feel like an utter and total leper.  We're not talking about a performance car show room, where if you ask the price you're instantly known to not be able to afford the vehicle, we're talking about a poxy chair in an office furniture shop.  I'm stood there waiting to speak to this chap, we'll call him 'chap #1', I'm stood there and behind him are 'chap #2' and 'chap #3', they ignore me.

I speak to 'chap #1' ask for a price check, he comes with me looks at the item, walks back to his post and says to the second guy "Can you price check that chair".  Now, this is where I got angry, the other guy walks the same path up the store to the same chair and walks back and then gets out his phone, he doesn't say "wait a moment please" or acknowledge me in anyway, he just says to 'chap #1' "back to your post".  This guy is ignoring me, his name tag denotes him as the "Store Manager"... He's ignored me and making me feel awkward, as rather than being able to engage with him I'm just stood there, staring and fiddling with his phone... he is going to use the company website to check the price... he can't seem to make any managerial decision himself.

This manager fiddles and piddles about and finally says... "Price is right" and goes to walk off.  Literally, he just turns his eyes.... "Price is right" and turns back to his minion in the form of Chap #3 to carry on chatting with him... Customer service on par with making me feel like a pile of shit.

So I interject, "but the price is £73".

"Ah no" chap #2 says with smug satisfaction "that's the price if you buy two, see" and he shows me the phone, which says "From £73.33", they're not from that price at all folks, they're from £110. This miss-leading advertising annoyed me, being left just stood there annoyed me, so folks stay out of Staples at Lady Bay Retail Park in Nottingham, they're not much cop.

And now my other piece of bric-a-brac ( this poor woman, I know now that her insurers will either not pay out for her, and even if they do they're going to say she claimed, loosing her no-claims, she'd be all right if she just rolled the car forward and touched bumpers with the vehicle the neck patients were in, then she could claim off their insurance, but as it stands I think this poor woman is going to get utterly screwed over.  And this just emphasises why I hate Insurance companies.

1 comment:

  1. That's really horrible. Sometimes I think the internet exaggerated a bit and it impacts us customers. Thanks for the heads up about this though.
