
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Sat Here, no longer thinking...

So, I posted earlier how I was too tired to be in the groove?... Well, I had a good idea, update my virtual machines... You see, whenever I start a new major project I start development with a nice fresh instance of my virtual machine on the target platform...

In this case I bought Windows 7, however, when the project begins I generally isolate the virtual machine from all updates, as they may introduce breaking changes or days of down time with things updating, and I start to cut code from my design on that isolated machine.

Its safe, I never browse the net from them, and the host machine is very secure.  However, the images gradually go out of date.

Well, I figured I needed to take a copy of this virtual machine (which I did) and update it to see if the product nearing completion still runs with all the latest updates... 

I can't tell you the answer yet, even though we have a span of multiple hours between my prior post and this, the reason being, even at over 10mb/s download speed (nearer 17.25mb/s tbh on this wireless) it has taken all this time just to get the first 54 updates done.

I've rebooted, but been told there are 7 more, and 5 optional ones too... This is the pain of not updating my windows platform since the 17th October 2011... But, hell is it slow...

Right now, the second phase of update has been saying "Installing Update 1 of 7" for about 14 minutes, there's no hard drive activity and I'm so very tired I might just pull the plug on it.... But doing that often screws the Windows Updates.

It has however gotten me thinking about the update mechanism for the project I'm doing all this updating for, it; at the moment; has not remote update mechanism, neither a download & update whilst running, nor an update over reboot nor an update/install even... That may have to become the next big part of the project I tackle.

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