
Monday, 13 August 2012

There's dog shit on me drive....

I'm going to do one of my rare direct follow ups to the previous post... The pitbull, its a big staffie cross with something... and it turned back up Sunday morning...

A couple from 162 Broad Land brought it home, it had "Spent the night in our bedroom, its a lovely dog".. The ass hat house sitter was all delight and relief at seeing it back...

Before it came back I spoke to the lads at number 1, forewarning them of the crap which had come out of his going off at me, and to his credit the guy from number 1 went around and put the guy straight about the dog getting out and how the area had been secured again...

So now this ass hat has my telling him, the guy at number 1 telling him, and people from broad lane telling him and the police telling him... But still no appology for my wife or I...

In fact all we've gotten so far is more and more dog shit from this dog appearing in the lane, and this morning the biggest pile of shit right in the middle of my drive, which I've returned... How do I know its his?... Well, they feed the dog a dry mixer meal, and its a distinctive mid-brown colour... the faecies is likewise this colour...

I have since spoken to the community police team about this, they already knew about the incident, it did after all include a threatening behaviour and a potentially dangerous breed of dog... I've also spoken to the council.

And the next time I find dog shit on my drive, path, garden or alley, I'll be going to a solicitor.

P.S. I have a lovely  pair of pictures of this pile of dog shit on the wife's phone.

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