
Friday, 24 August 2012

Hammer and Hifi

On a different note, the numpty from down the way has been playing his music loud and has been witnessed hammering... Seems he may actually be accepting that "the pen which was perfectly adequate at our last house" is actually more of a joke than a deterent to the dog escaping.

The dog itself is back.  It got out yesterday, was missing most of the day, and as of just now (noon) its back... Maybe its longest roam to date, which may have made the moron act, who knows.

I do also love how the guy is currently marching up and down the road (which he's lived on for like a fortnight) like he owns it, dog at his side, living it up... Probably looking for customers for his infamous "eighths"... 

Glad I'm going to go see a new house to buy later today... Huzzah!

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