
Monday, 30 July 2012

Olympic Seats

I'm getting pretty tired of these documentaries about British Olympians, there's been two I've seen, one about a diver and one about a Judoka... Both of whom have gone on to fail to get a medal, sometimes even to fail to qualify...

Its all rather tiresome, and very British, the moment anyone says "we might win", we either worry so much and balls it up, or we get cocky and balls it up.... The  net result is a lot of ball and nearly no medal...

So people, stop bigging these people up, let them get on doing their own little things, and go get moaning about the stupic seating system which in my experience put people off trying to buy tickets and which has resulted in the fiasco of swathes of empty seats... And appart from the Archery (which had very limited numbers of seats) I've seen multitudes of empty seats at the Judo, at the Swimming, at the Kayaking and at other events... The dressage too!...

The only place I've not seen empty seats was the beach volley ball ladies matches!!!!

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